Rob and Joss Crash Your Big Game Bash – the Results!


We were gonna CRASH SOME BIG GAME PARTIES! I (Joss) thought it might be a nice idea to bring some flowers. Rob thought I was nuts. SO – he schemed to bring stuff like salami and beef jerky to one party and I decided to bring lovely vegetables, organic crackers, and flowers to another party!

Here’s how things turned out.

BTW – HUGE thanks to Atrellis Flowers and Gifts on the Windsor Town Green and Grocery Outlet on 4th Street in Santa Rosa for their help!

LOOK at these gorgeous flowers from Atrellis!

AND look at how many bags of groceries you can get at Grocery Outlet on 4th in Santa Rosa for a SUPER LOW PRICE!

So here’s what we brought to the parties:

Here’s what everyone thought of Rob’s stash…(BTW – WAIT for the PUPPIES at the end of the video!)

And here’s what everyone thought of my stash!

Overall, I’d say a pretty successful day. We wish we could have crashed EVERY party that we were invited to! The people we met were SUPER nice. Thanks for having us!