Rob and Joss Talk to Dan, the Owner of the First House to Be Built in Coffey Park



Here’s Rob sitting in Dan’s bathtub when it was under construction!

Dan is moving in VERY soon! Rob and Joss talk to him about his journey back home:

Rob and Joss Tour Dan’s Home Back in January

Dan (who happens to be a member of the Froggy listening family!) is the first to build a new house in Coffey Park after the firestorm (and maybe the first in Sonoma County). He was kind enough to give the very nosy Rob and Joss a tour!

He was also kind enough to let Rob take a bathtub picture!

BTW – when Rob and Dan hug, it’s cuz Rob was saying “MY mother LIVES with me now! Comfort me Dan!” (but of course, at this key part…Joss’ camera messed up…sigh)