Save A Life With Splash At The Butter & Egg Days Parade! | Froggy 92.9
Froggy 92.9

Save A Life With Splash At The Butter & Egg Days Parade!

As you may or may not know, Splash’s life has been saved three times. Twice by his family and once by a stranger. Now he’s looking for your help.Over Splash’s lifetime, his Mom happily donated a kidney to him when he was just twelve years old. His sister Amy volunteered to donate her kidney in 1996. (She has her own business in Mesa, AZ that you can check out HERE.)

And after nine years, four weeks and six days surviving Dialysis, Splash received his latest kidney four years ago from someone special who had signed up to become a life saving organ donor.

Simply by happenstance, Splash was hosting the Windsor Chili Kickoff, and one of the organizers knew he needed to meet someone very special to the Windsor and donor communities: the wonderful person you see in the photo above is Miss Lorene. She approached Splash, introduced herself, and told her inspiring story of becoming an altruistic organ donor (someone who donates out of the kindness of their heart) Splash and Lorene work together once a month as ambassadors for DONATE LIFE at the Windsor Certified Farmer’s Market all last season to ask people to become organ donors and answer any questions people may have.

Donate Life is a non-profit organization that educates and informs potential donors like you on the importance of becoming a full fledged organ donor. Splash is honored to join Donate Life this Saturday at 10am in downtown Petaluma during the Butter and Egg Days festival to answer questions and help you save lives with thousands of others in Sonoma County and across the nation.

Filbert the Kidney and I can’t wait to meet you!


Learn more about the Petaluma Butter and Egg Days Parade RIGHT HERE, hope to see you there!