Fugitive Stalks Rob & Joss at Dinner | Froggy 92.9
Froggy 92.9

Fugitive Stalks Rob & Joss at Dinner

The Fugitive is getting bolder and bolder.  After calling Dano with a clue from across the street, he then traveled to Windsor to watch Rob & Joss eat.

Rob & Joss decided to go out to dinner on Tuesday night at one of their favorite spots, Kin in Windsor.  Everything was great:

Something strange happened when it came time to pay.  Rob went to the car to get his wallet, Joss stepped into the ladies room.  When they both returned, there was no check.  Their server swore up and down that he left their check right there on the table, but gladly reprinted it.

Flash-forward to this morning, the Fugitive called at 7am, but instead of a clue, simply said “Check the Froggy van.”  Joss ran outside..

And inside the envelope was….

So the Fugitive was at Kin last night, confirmed location.  Less than 50 feet away from Rob & Joss probably.  This is getting creeeeepy.